Saturday, August 18, 2012


What exactly is energy? Energy is everywhere, everything. Sometimes we can perceive it. Sometimes we can’t, at least not at a fully conscious level.

I have personally experienced this first hand, and after reading a blog about dark energies and entities by Renate Hechenberger (, I feel there is the possibility that I understand more about what takes place around us on a regular basis without our knowledge.

I believe all of us are influenced by unperceivable forms of energy from time to time, be it negative or positive. We might feel down or even sad for no apparent reason. Personally, there’ve been times when I have felt as though something external has suddenly passed through me and altered my mood.
The mind is such an amazing thing, however. This could be the mere product of a subconscious thought.

We as humans are constantly reproducing different images in our minds (from how beautiful a day it is outside to how horrible it was when I broke my leg in the sixth grade to worries about the future, etc.) even though we may not realize it. There is always a chance that these sudden changes in attitude may be brought upon by a familiar smell, or an image of something which may produce negative thoughts because of an unpleasant childhood experience buried deep in our subconscious.

Or, as Hechenberger’s assessment on the subject suggests, we may come in contact with something that may carry a load of negative energy, a doll that belonged to a girl who was physically abused, a chair previously used as a weapon, or even a place with a turbulent past.

I am personally fascinated by the topic and try to keep an open mind to all possibilities.
Furthermore, in Hechenberger’s blog, there is reference to how certain drugs, including alcohol and marijuana, can weaken our auras and therefore allow certain negative forms of energy, or entities, to invade us.

As comical as this may sound, some family members of mine once decided to help my grandmother alleviate her constant back pain by making her a large amount of brownies loaded with pot. Admittedly, even though I am not a regular consumer of this drug, I wanted to try some and ended up eating about three or four brownies (more for the chocolaty taste than anything else), not realizing exactly how much THC I was actually consuming.

It took nearly two hours for me to feel the effects. At first I felt good, a mild state of euphoria. After a while I began to hear a voice in my head (no, I have never heard voices before, and the marijuana was not laced with anything. I did have way too many brownies though), the voice of a little girl (possibly my deceased sister) singing the same song over and over again, something from out of a horror movie.

I stumbled my way to the bed and lay there, staring at the ceiling with the lights on.
She continued.

Are..they.. out..there?” She sang these words.
It was as if she were right next to me, whispering the soft tunes into my ears.


Moments later there was only silence, when I suddenly felt as if I couldn’t breathe. My esophagus was closing up (I don’t think it ever actually closed up, likely just the psychological effects of the drug), and as I lay on my bed, hysterical, I believed a pair of hands had penetrated my body, gripping my esophagus while pulling it as if it were a rope in a violent game of tug-of-war. I then felt another pair of cold hands pulling my ankles, as if some extra dimensional being was trying to drag me into its world.
I began to scream, “please don’t take me! I don’t want to go!”

As ridiculous as this may sound for an adult, I began to cry, gripping the sides of the bed to prevent myself from being dragged away to some horrific place where I would never again be seen. I closed my eyes, and even though I am a self proclaimed agnostic, I began to pray. I don’t remember much after that.

I know what you’re probably thinking. You just had a bad trip, that’s all.

But I am open to the possibility that my energy levels had weakened to the point where I may have perceived (and actually felt) something from a realm outside of our own. Had some form of energy been following me for a long time and decided to take advantage of my altered state of mind to manifest itself at the perfect time?

Either that or I’m nuts and I had to get high to realize it….

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Sunday, August 12, 2012

First Contact

What happens when the debate on whether we are the only intelligent forms of life in the Universe comes to a sudden end? When the secrecy and controversy about the existence of UFO’s dissolves in a matter of seconds? How will humans react when on an ordinary day (or night) the sky suddenly becomes flooded with extraterrestrial aircraft, to the point where EVERYONE can see them, leaving absolutely no room for doubt or misinterpretation?

How do religious zealots -those who have ardently dismissed any possibilities outside of their own traditional belief system- respond when their rigid frame of mind is shattered to pieces within a moment’s time?

Is there global panic, mass suicide and an astronomical demand for valium, marihuana and other mind altering substances to calm our nerves? Or do we as Earthlings simply unite, putting aside our differences when we realize we were never so different after all?

 What do our visitors think when they find us in a world that has been poisoned by our own artificial chemicals….our own destructive thoughts, words and actions? Do they laugh at us as we do at stray cats that hiss and swat at each other for no reason?

That day may come sooner than we think…….

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